Monday, May 23, 2011

PsychFest / Austin, TX

I spent the weekend of April 30 in Austin, Texas with my friends The Black Hollies as they played Austin's PsychFest. We had a great weekend, & it really was the first time that I spent 3 days w/a band - being the only girl... and I can tell you that I've had enough fart jokes & ball-busting for the rest of my life. Add in a few (New) Jersey style jokes here & there and you're good to go. Did I mention the constant teasing with their bad Texas accent imitations or insisting on calling him "Jimmy Ray Vaughn" rather than just "Jimmy Vaughn" because he's the brother of "Stevie Ray Vaughn?" At some point I just learned to shut my mouth & stop insisting on no 'Ray' for Jimmy. I was out numbered.

It was nice to be in my home state for a little while & enjoy a little warmer weather - even though the temp dropped 40 degrees on Sunday in only a matter of a few hours. Austin is a great place. It's like no other Texas city. It's liberal, laid back and weird. I don't ever see myself returning to the Lone Star State, but if I were to somehow end up there again, it would be in Austin...the live music capital of the world.

The Black Hollies played Sunday evening and had a great crowd & a lot of people showed up or admitted that they made the trip just because the guys were there to play. It's always nice to hear people compliment your friends.

Saturday was spent hanging out in various record stores in Austin, lots of Mexican food, a BBQ at our friend Christine's house and then checking out a few bands at PsychFest which ran for three days. It was held at this old Power Plant right off of 6th street and honestly - it was the coolest place to hold the festival. I helped out a little by working the merch. table for the guys. Good times.

The first photo is Herb, Justin & Jon. Second photo is Jon Gonnelli & me (look ma, no braces!!)

Here are a few more pictures from the weekend. Thanks for letting me hang out boys, & for inviting me along, Jon. :-)

With Herb Wiley

With Justin Angelo Morey

With our friend Christine

Goofing off with Herbie

Herb models the latest in hat fashions.

Hung out at Gibson Guitars in Austin.

Selling some merch with JG

The Black Hollies

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Hard Luck Five return much to the delight

Saturday, February 19, Jack Leto celebrated his 70th Birthday and the only wish he had was that Rye Coalition play for his birthday.

Honestly, I should have come up with this idea on my 40th. I'm jealous I didn't think of it.

So me & a few friends headed to Maxwell's in Hoboken for the sold out show and me being the genius I am forgot earplugs. My ears are still ringing.

The show was amazing. I don't know if there has ever been a better live show. These guys haven't played together in five years, but the energy - the enthusiasm and the talent was overwhelming. I still can't believe I get to know these people and get to call them friends. Amazing night. Happy Birthday, Mr. Leto. I hope to be as cool as you one day. 70 yrs old in the mosh pit and I had to stand back against the wall for fear of getting hit. You sir, are a legend.

A few photos:

And here is a video shot by Jenni Matz. Some of the video is actually mine - Jenni used it to edit into this final version:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Blog

This is a new blog .... I go back and forth, I know, but this style is just better for me. I don't have the time and/or patience to figure out WordPress.  I have trouble with their format all the time.  They constantly have updates that are a pain in the ASS to deal with so *middle finger to WordPress*.

I'll try to bring over all of the other blogs I had posted, because I know that you're probably reviewing them over and over and making them a part of your daily routine.

*roll eyes*